The 68-cent Frozen Meals

You can tell when it’s summer vacationing season around here when all the morning people start filling in on the evening shows.  With so many people on vacation I’ve been filing reports and haven’t had much time to update my blog.  But here we go!

When it comes to frozen meals, I rarely buy them full price.  (Back in Massachusetts, the Lean Cuisines at this one grocery chain were $4.50 each!!!) This week, Target’s doing one of their gift card promotions.  Buy 10 Smart Ones, get a $5 gift card.  Before you go, here’s how you can get them for EVEN LESS. The end product…for me, 65-cent frozen meals.  Sounds complicated, but let me walk you through this:


My bad for the poor picture quality, but there you see it!  $1.37!  Haven't had this kind though, so hopefully it's good.

My bad for the poor picture quality, but there you see it! $1.37! Haven't had this kind though, so hopefully it's good.

Smart Ones on sale for $1.80 each

Print $4 off 10 coupon

$1.80 x 10= $18.00

$18.00 – $4 coupon= $14.00 for 10 (or $1.40 each)

$14.00- $5 gift card = $9 for 10, or 90-cents each!

(You keeping up with me? 😉

On top of that—my local Target had some of their fruit selections entrees on FURTHER clearance/sale for just $1.37!  I bought 5 at that price, the rest at $1.80, so doing the math… I believe the total is 65-cents each!


I checked on eBay, and if you missed getting this coupon last weekend, check out eBay.  They're going for about a buck or two apiece.  A small investment to get a $10 gift card!  Might as well do it if you're going to fill the 'script anyway.

I checked on eBay, and if you missed getting this coupon last weekend, check out eBay. They're going for about a buck or two apiece. A small investment to get a $10 gift card! Might as well do it if you're going to fill the 'script anyway.

I also had a prescription to pick up at Target.  The generic version cost about $5.50 and then I had a Target $10 gift card coupon for new prescriptions, so I pocketed $4.50! Woo-hoo! The coupon was in the Target flier from last weekend.


PS:  I made my first batch of mozzarella cheese this weekend!  (See goat-cheese making post from a few weeks ago) I wouldn’t call it a success, I wouldn’t call it a failure…just the whole gallon of organic milk ($6!) yielded just 1/3, maybe 1/2 cup of lumpy cheese!  I forgot to use bottled water instead of tap, so maybe that’s what did it.  I’m going to find a new thermometer too, because I think the one I was using wasn’t accurate.

 PPS:  I won’t be in the office/station this week, but I’ll try and update as much as I can.

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