Archive for October, 2008

25-Dollar Restaurant Gift Certificates for $2. (I’m not kidding!)
October 30, 2008

Eat Me!  I Look Expensive, But Really, I'm $2!

Eat Me! I Look Expensive, But Really, I'm Just $2


If you’re having problems using the coupon code “TREATS”- try checking back later in the day.  I just hear from Stephanie, at they got a LOT of traffic today and that could be why some of you aren’t getting to use the code.  But rest assured, your 80% off coupon WILL WORK until the end of the day today.

Thanks for all the great emails and feedback on the site– I’m so happy for everyone who can use this code for things like holiday gifts, and making someone else’s day a little brighter.

Gotta thank the Dean Takamine of for this one.  Stumbled across Dean’s site about a week ago, and it’s excellent. Well planned and designed– there’s comments from users…even a section where you can see his most popular posts.  Dean’s a super cool guy from Hawaii who blogs about freebies online, including this one: .com – a website offers $25 gift certificates to restaurants all over the country for just $10. (Just type in your zip code to find the participating restaurants near you.)

Just type in this code:TREATS” at checkout and get an extra 80% off your order! (My math skills are pretty weak, but even I know 80% off of 10-bucks is $2!)  This coupon offer lasts only until 10/31 so hurry!

There are some restrictions, like what days of the week you can dine– or having to spend a minimum of $35 on the bill.  But still!  No matter how you slice it, you’ll save yourself some money.  The site also has these certificates for stores, like Lobstergrams…which is an online company that sends live lobsters to your loved ones in the mail. Love it!

Lim Loves Lobster

Lim Loves Lobster. Speaking of of my most fond memories as a child, was going to the Rhode Island shore in the summer, to buy discounted lobsters. The ones with just one claw, were sold at a little shack, 5 for 20 bucks. Now, in Kansas City, I keep this funny stuffed lobster toy on my desk, as a reminder. (Ouch, looks painful!)

Have a safe and happy Halloween everybody!  I’m going to celebrate this weekend by going bowling with some of the other First News crew, and then to a costume party on Saturday.  I haven’t had any time this year to figure out a costume, so I’ll be wearing a plastic World War One helmet I got at the WWI museum!

Dion 🙂

I Survived The 92% Off Sale
October 28, 2008

No Joke People. New Pants. 60-cents.

No Joke People. New Pants. 60-cents.

After being egged on by Jim Flink, Dan Weinbaum, Crystal (one of our brilliant producers) and practically everyone KMBC-9’er, I made the trek from Johnson County, up north, about 35 minutes, to check out the big Dillards outlet clearance sale. 

Maybe not the prettiest store-- but I'd take cheap over pretty setting most of the time.

Maybe not the prettiest store-- but I'd take super cheap prices over a pretty looking store in this case.

2.5 hours, and endless clawing and ruffling through racks of clothes, strewn about…I came out with my shopping partner 75-dollars lighter, but carrying three giant bags, full of at LEAST 20 items.

The tie department-- strewn about--but some were $1.50!
The tie department– strewn about–but some were $1.50!

See you tomorrow, Dion (and her Daily Deals)

PS: I get questions from viewers a lot as to what time we have to wake up to anchor the morning show.  For me, when I’m filling in on the 5-7am show, I wake up at 2am.  This way I can sit down and have a nice breakfast to power myself through the day.  I also tend to dawdle getting ready and showering.  Today, I got to sleep-in until 3:30, because I was back to my regular schedule of anchoring the 7-9am show.

My Georgie as A Pirate
October 28, 2008

I look amused. Georgie looks depressed! (Let me explain, the pirate hat wouldn't stay on unless we tucked in his ears. This made his pirate hat look like a pope's hat.)

Real Quick: Not really a deal, but hey, Halloween is just 3 days away.

*(Stay tuned: Full details of my shopping day at Dillards, where everything was 91% off!)

10-Cent Granola Bars + 90% Off at Dillards = Too Much To Blog About!
October 27, 2008

Time:  Sunday afternoon.

Who: Crystal, my AM producer.

What:  Frantic text message “Dion, I’m at Dillards, 90-percent off… Are you here!?”

The buzz around the newsroom today is Dillards, supposedly closing at the Metro North location.  (Aaand…let the shopping frenzy begin.) Dillards clothing, already 60% off, an additional 30% off!  Crystal came in this morning and told me about her $118 BCBG dress she scored for just $11! (We just need an excuse for her to wear it now.)

J.Flink and Dan Weinbaum just told me they’ve gotten ties for $5 too! This mythical promise land Dillard’s Outlet is kind of far from my turf (South), but from the station, it’s about 30 minutes.  There goes my plan to head to the gym after work this week.  Oh well, maybe I can get my fitness on tomorrow… 😉

The whole grains in this counter-act the Pizza Hut I eat all too much of.

The whole grains in this counter-act the Pizza Hut I eat all too much of.

That and my Coupon Mom Chrissy (not Kristi…that was a typo) taught me how to use coupons at the grocery store, and I took her advice this past sunday.  I’ll post pictures soon, but I scored a box of South Beach protien bars for just 50-cents! Not $3.50! 

Will eating this make me feel like I'm ON South Beach?

Will eating this make me feel like I'm ON South Beach?

I also nabbed my FAVORITE (healthy) pizza, by Kashi, at an astounding $1.70.  (These puppies are usually up toward the $6.50 range.  I say “healthy”– because my other favorite frozen pizza is the cheapie 99-cent variety by Totino’s.  Party Pizza…so classy Dion, so class.)

Again, we’re giving away a one-on-one session with Chrissy, so don’t forget to email me why you’d like her to help you save up to 75% off your grocery bill!  (TIP: specifics are great– tell me about your family’s needs and who you are, what you do!)

Gotta run– besides working on my coupon story for next week, I’ve got to head to the promise land! (Dillards!)  Full report tomorrow.

Dion 🙂

We’re Giving Away A Free Savings Shopping Session! (Plus, a Free Taco!)
October 23, 2008

Hey Everybody-

Oragami. Not the way I'd spend a Jackson.

Oragami. Not the way I'd spend a Jackson...

I’m so excited to bring you a special series I’m working on called “Coupon Mom” for next month–

Picture this: You’re a mom of 2, trying to feed your family, buy supplies and household items, and you’re spending about $800 a month on everything.  Then, you figure out a way to time it just right, to use coupons, rebates and special savings on sale items, to reduce your bill to just $300 a month!  And you still buy the brand-names you love!

A local woman, Kristi, did just that, and with another metro mom, started a website to teach others about their secret strategy.

My stories on Kristi are going to air in a couple weeks, but to get ready, First News is giving away a FREE one-on-one shopping session with Kristi!  You’ll go with Kristi (and me and a photographer) to a local grocery store/convenience store and she’ll plan out a special shopping plan for you and your family.  I’m telling you, you’re guarenteed to save at least a couple hundred dollars with her method.

All you need to do, email me at (I’m going to get a lot of emails, so if I don’t respond right away, bear with me!) and tell me about you and your family.  (HINT: be specific with your family’s needs, what you do, how much your budget it, we want it all!)

It’s like the lottery but better.  You don’t have to pay any money to win…we’ll pick a winner based on their story, not on pure luck, and it’s like the saying “give a man a fish and he can eat for a day, teach a man to fish and he’ll eat for a lifetime”.  You’ll be saving for *years* under Kristi’s plan.

Keep me posted!


PS:  Special thanks to Heather, who started the site — a site I mentioned a few weeks ago.  Apparently her site was recently featured on Inside Edition!  Way to go Kansas City, for being on the ball first 😉 Heheh 🙂

PPS:  Taco Bell’s doing it again– steal a base, get a free crunchy taco.  

Run!  Don't Walk!

I remember they did this for the Sox game last year, but this year, since a base has been stolen, head on over to Taco Bell between 2pm-6pm on October 28th and get one free!  (If you’re like me, hit up all the area TB’s!)